cfsa farm tour freedom farms

CFSA Farm Tour – Freedom Farms

Next stop on the farm tour was Freedom Farms.

Freedom Farms

Freedom Farms raises Dexter cattle, an endangered breed originally from Southern Ireland.  Dexters are the smallest true cattle, suitable for a small farm where a mixed use cow is important.  The Dexter is both a milking and meat cow, producing milk that is high in butterfat and a great tasting meat.

If you have ever wondered, we found out that nose rings are required for bulls over one year old if they are to ever enter a show ring.

dexter cattle

Freedom Farms runs a breeding program with their cows and takes them to shows all over the country.  Most of the cows are shown by kids through 4H programs.

Sally Coad

The cows are imprinted within twelve hours of birth, then the cow/calf pair are left completely alone for two weeks.

There are currently only 750 red dexter cows in the world, which highlights the importance of Freedom Farms’ breeding program.  The cows are bred at fifteen months, so the numbers can only increase at a slow increment (although during the birthing season the farm has one calf every ten days).

dexter cattle

Freedom Farms had a couple of freezers full of Dexter beef for sale during the tour.

meat basket

Mike and Noel were all over it, everything from ground beef to liver.

frozen meat

In late breaking news, Freedom Farms is now for sale

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