fall csa

Fall CSA Signup

Last year I signed up for the Fall CSA from Robb Prichard at Oakley Laurel Farm. She is doing the Fall CSA again this year and is looking for folks to sign up for the subscription. Here is her announcement:

“Hi everyone,

I hope you are all having a good summer. The garden is resting now and enjoying a little down-time. I planted some tomatoes, melons, and cucumbers, but they did not do well in the extreme heat/drought that we experienced early in the season.

I’m getting my ducks in a row for the Fall CSA. Let me know if you are interested in joining again, or if you know anyone else who is.

The cost is the same–$200. I think I will shoot for 12 deliveries–October, November, and ending right before Christmas. It depends on the weather, of course.

Thank you so much, Robb”

Some of you have contacted me about getting in on a CSA, and here is the perfect opportunity. If you are interested please email Robb or contact me and I will connect you.

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