new york times field report plow shares

New York Times “Field Report: Plow Shares”

Christine Muhlke of the New York Times Magazine spent an overcast January day at a Crop Mob event right around the corner from Circle Acres.  She said the article would be out in April, but it must have gotten bumped up somewhere along the line.  A few weeks ago she gave me the heads up that it would be out at the end of February.  The online version is up now, but if you have access to a newsstand you can get the print version of the magazine this Sunday.

The farmer Trace Ramsey, who is part of the Mob core as well as its documentarian, has watched the young-farmer phenomenon explode. ‘People are interested in authentic work,’ he said. ‘I think they’re tired of what they’ve been told they should accomplish in their life, and they’re starting to realize that it’s not all that exciting or beneficial from a community perspective or an individual perspective.’ At 36, Ramsey joked that he’s the old man of the project — remarkable considering the average American farmer is 57. But as people of all ages become involved, he said, ‘what started as a young-farmer movement is just becoming a farmer movement.’

Full story – Field Report: Plow Shares by Christine Muhlke

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