piedmont farm tour cfsa

Piedmont Farm Tour (CFSA)

The 13th Annual Piedmont Farm Tour is this weekend, and I’m going to be hitting a few farms on Sunday with Noel and Danielle. I haven’t been to a farm tour although I have always wanted to.

The farm tour is put on by Carolina Farm Stewardship Association (CFSA). CFSA does a lot of work to promote, develop and sustain local and regional sustainable food systems in the Carolinas. Their vision:

Healthy and thriving communities of farmers and consumers in the Carolinas are supported by local and organic agricultural systems that are environmentally responsible, economically sound, and socially just.

Hopefully the next few posts will be all about the farms we visited with details about how the farms themselves fit in with this vision.

Oh, and this year CFSA is doing an Eat Carolina Food Challenge. They are looking for folks to participate during the week of July 7th through 13th. You can sign up by going to the website.

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3 Responses to Piedmont Farm Tour (CFSA)

  1. Stew says:

    Trace! I’m volunteering on Saturday and making the rounds on Sunday. I’d love to meet you if we’re going to some of the same places. Drop me a line if you think that’d work!

  2. Trace says:

    We’ll be picking out the farms we want to tour on the trip up there. Do you already know which farms you are visiting?

  3. stew says:

    Nope! I’m totally open. I’m kind of partial to Alex and Betsy Hitt’s place at Peregrine Farms, because they’re friends, but I’ve been there before and I’ll go there again. I have a free pass, you know, so if you do want to meet up, I’m willing to go where you want (I have no agenda whatsoever) and it would be FREE!!

    I’ll see if I can find an email address for you and email you my phone number.

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