sometimes you come home with an empty bucket

Sometimes you come home with an empty bucket

Sunburn, parking ticket, no fish…if our previous fishing adventure was a lesson in all the things that can go right, the latest attempt was a lesson in the things that can go wrong.

Not that it was a bad day by any means. Spending four hours at the beach, standing in nice warm water on a cloudless fall day, throwing a line into the depths and simply not thinking about anything in particular; what could be so bad about that?

I am learning more about the salt water fishing thing with each trip. Catch quotas, the types of fish to catch with which type of bait, what would be really nice to catch and what isn’t worth the effort.

As with our first trip, Noel ran the cast net and pulled in the bait fish. Hopefully I can step up soon and earn my own bait. It looks easy enough, but I am still getting the hang of throwing the line as far out as I can. As with everything else, there are baby steps and I am soaking everything up and just letting it wear on me.

Even with a pretty consistent supply of bait fish, we just couldn’t find where the fish were biting. We saw plenty of large fish in the area; they just weren’t interested in committing to an evening on the dinner plate. I learned that sometimes you come home with an empty bucket, and there isn’t a thing wrong with that.

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