waste stream day two

Waste stream: Day two

Breakfast was pretty much the same as yesterday; hot cereal, toast, honey and preserves. Lunch was leftovers from the previous night’s turkey and tomato sauce with some “expired” baby carrots, “expired” bread and a bit of goddess dressing out of a sample packet.

lunch day 2

Dinner was pretty diverse as I had found quite a few crappy looking pieces of produce. I decided to make some steamed greens from a sad looking bunch of green kale. This went with a stir fry of potatoes, green pepper and garlic.

kale squash and garlic

green potatoes

The potatoes were green and had sprouts, so in order to avoid any Solanum tuberosum poisoning, I trimmed the potatoes pretty deeply. There was still plenty to work with, and I managed to get rid of all the green and then some. Even though there hasn’t been a reported case of potato poisoning in the US in 50 or so years, there is no reason to mess around. The amount of solanine in one unpeeled green and sprouting potato is enough to cause some interesting problems such as paralysis, vomiting and fever. Peeling and frying a green potato reduces the amount of solanine to background levels in most cases. So with all that said, under no circumstance should you eat an unpeeled green potato. It only takes a few seconds to peel a potato even if all you have is a rock…

To the stir fry I added some beef hotdogs from a package that was not sealed correctly. The dogs were perfectly fine, it was just that the seal left too much play in the plastic and it seemed like the package was open. It wasn’t.


For another side, I had a butternut squash with a bad spot on the neck end. I just cut off the bad section…

butternut squash

scooped out the seeds…

butternut without seeds

and baked it skin side up in a baking dish with a 1/4″ of water at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. When it was done I just scooped everything out and ate it as is. As I said at the start, it was a pretty diverse meal…

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